The update that was announced on Friday should make the experience inside third-party apps much better. The new interface that developers use to get data from Twitter is a new step in the journey to better support developers.
A developer can use the new API v2 feature to retrieve the most recent Tweets and Retweets posted by the authenticated user and accounts they follow.
It’ll improve the experience for both developers and users
The feature is a very welcome one for third party clients. The old way to get a user's time line is one of the most used methods of getting a user on the platform.
The change will allow users to scroll further back in their timelines. You can request the home timeline 15 times in a 15 minute window, and return up to 800 messages. Up to 180 requests per user can be supported in the same time period.
He says that it makes things simpler from a development standpoint. We can get all that data in a single step with the new v2 version.
It was launched as the main way to interface with Twitter late last year, and has made it clear that it is trying to make amends with developers. The company removed restrictions from its terms of service that made it more difficult for third party clients to compete with the official app.
Talk is cheap, and it wouldn't be surprising if some developers weren't sure whether or not they were actually committed. With Friday's announcement, the company seems to be showing that it is continuing the trend of giving developers access to crucial features. The fact that they released this is a sign that they are going to continue to allow and even encourage alternative clients.