Proposed changes to the A-CAM program are intended to boost rural broadband internet speeds. The goal is to improve minimum download and upload speeds to 100-20 Mbps in areas served by carriers that receive A-CAM support. The baseline is 25/3 Mbps.

The Enhanced A-CAM program was proposed by the A-CAM Broadband Coalition. The goal is to improve broadband speeds to the levels specified in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act while avoiding the duplication of efforts across various federal programs.

Commissioners approved a notice of proposed rulemaking that seeks comment on how the FCC could bolster A-CAM support under an enhanced program and whether the current A-CAM framework still makes sense. The Enhanced A-CAM program needs to align with Congressional goals and other programs.

As we consider the future of A-CAM, we seek comment on the buildout timelines. The $42 billion BEAD program has a 4 year timeline. I will be interested to see where A-CAM providers land. Here’s the point: we must ensure broadband is being deployed everywhere ASAP @FCC #broadband

— Geoffrey Starks (@GeoffreyStarks) May 19, 2022

With additional funding and an expansion of the length of time under which electing carriers would receive support, these carriers would increase deployment speeds up to 100 Mbps download and 20 Mbps upload in some of the most challenging and expensive areas to serve in the country.

The Biden administration launched a $45 billion project last week to bring all Americans online and eliminate the digital divide. The cost of broadband for low-income households will be subsidized by internet providers.