The Washington Post reported that Larry Ellison, co-founder, chairman, and chief technology officer of Oracle, joined several conservative figures on a phone call in November 2020 to discuss strategies for contesting the legitimacy of the presidential election results.

The Post reported that an anonymous participant was on the call and that Sean Hannity, Jay Sekulow, Lindsey Graham, and Jim Bopp were also on it.

The Post asked for comment from Oracle, but they did not reply.

The documents were brought to light because of the legal action against True the Vote. More recently, the organization collaborated with conservative commentator Dinesh D'Souza on a film about so-called ballot mules.

The founder of True the Vote wrote in a note that Jim was on a call with Jay Sekulow, Lindsey O. Graham, Sean Hannity, and Larry Ellison.

In an interview with the Post, Bopp said that the question that was discussed was whether congressional hearings on the 2020 election would be beneficial to the people involved.

Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham, and Tim Scott have all received donations from Ellison. He pledged $1 billion in equity to the $44 billion deal for Musk to take over Twitter.

The full story can be found at The Washington Post.

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