The New York City health authorities said on Thursday that they were investigating a possible case of the rare disease.

According to a statement from the city health department, the patient is currently in isolation at a hospital. The patient arrived at the hospital on Thursday.

If the patient samples come back positive for monkeypox, they will be sent to the public health lab for a preliminary test, and if that comes back negative, the samples will be sent to the CDC to confirm the illness.

A man in Massachusetts has been diagnosed with the disease. More than 15 suspected cases in and around Montreal are currently being investigated by him.

There have been cases of monkeypox in Britain and Portugal, while Spain is investigating suspected cases. Italy and Sweden reported cases on Thursday. Men who have sex with men are the majority of the patients in Britain and Canada.

According to the C.D.C, monkeypox can be spread through respiratory droplets, contact with body fluids and the sores that the virus is known for. It can be spread by contaminated objects.

The disease is milder and less infectious than smallpox. It usually doesn't cause big problems.

The first outbreak in the United States was almost two decades ago and most likely affected 47 people. Squirrels and other rodents from Africa are believed to have started the outbreak. They sold prairie dogs as pets.

People who have been exposed to the disease usually experience a rash. Red bumps turn into blisters. The drug can be used to treat the illness.

The city's health authorities said on Thursday that they will try to locate people who were in contact with the patient.