After taking a paternity test, it was confirmed that Flavor Flav has a 3-year-old son. The boy is named Jordan, and his maternal grandparents, Barry and Parchi, tell us that his mother, Kate, used to be his manager. Kate, who no longer works for Flav, got pregnant and had a child, but for a while, we were told he wasn't sure if the child was his son. However, since then. The grandparents of Jordan tell us that FF submitted a sample which matched his. As Maury would say, sooo. Flav is the father. Child support and a custody arrangement have been established. It also sounds like Jordan is learning how to play the drums from Flav, and that he talked to Kate about taking his family name. There is a person named Drayton. There will be a hearing later this year to make it official. As he might put it, Jordan is Flav's eighth child. Or just happy.