monkeypox virions

The rare monkeypox has found its way inside our borders.

The first case of monkeypox in the United States this year was detected Tuesday when a Massachusetts man tested positive.

The man traveled to Canada recently and the CDC confirmed his positive test result, according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

The MDPH says the man is hospitalized in good condition and poses no risk to the public, though they are working with the CDC on contact tracing.

There are only three confirmed cases of Monkeypox in the United States since 2003 and it is on the rise worldwide.

monkeypox virions

The monkeypox virus is a part of the same family of viruses as chickenpox and smallpox. It is very rare outside Africa, and the CDC says it does not occur in the US.

Monkeypox can be transmitted from an animal to a human if it bites or scratches a person.

The disease can be spread by bodily fluids and respiratory droplets in the air during face-to-face contact.

The symptoms of monkeypox are similar to those of smallpox. It can be fatal with young children.

It's another thing to worry about.