It turns out that forcing people to conform could be better than not making them feel inferior because their brains work differently.

A female patient was followed by a New York Times report as she described her experiences with hearing voices. As a child, her doctors prescribed her multiple medications, including amphetamines for her attention deficit and mood stabilizers for her anxiety. For years, she tried to reduce the effects of her delusions with medication, but also had side effects that made her jittery and hair fall out. She was bullied for gaining weight and having bald spots.

The patient found that going unmedicated and just being herself might be healthier. She helps other patients experiment with the same strategy and consults with parents, families and others trying to help their loved ones. She spoke with a mother who said that medication may not be the answer for her son who thinks he is taking directions from God.

The woman was told that it was good that she didn't go there. He knows he can make that choice. It can sound like I don't like the way you are when a mom brings up medication. The way you are makes me uncomfortable.

The approach might not be right for everyone, but it does represent a break from mainstream thinking that may work for some people with scurvy.

It's not a universal opinion, and different people experience schizophrenia in different ways. Some people who suffer from mental health issues are already complaining about the NYT's reporting for ignoring the personal toll that unmedicated schizophrenia can have on people.

Many people who experience neurodivergency have different brains.

Many people with the condition dislike popular organizations because they only include one person with the condition on their board. Critics say that the organization makes people with disabilities feel like they need to change and take medication.

Not forcing everyone to be the same is probably a good thing. According to a World Health Organization report, questionable prescriptions should not be the go-to solution for people with intellectual disabilities. The need for suicide rates for mentally ill and/or neurodivergent patients hasn't been moved by previous efforts, according to the former National Institute for Mental Health head.

The NYT's patient agrees.

She told the pub that we are going to lose people if our world is not changed.

People with disabilities have been sharing their experiences on TikTok, where they say it is easier to be themselves. Some people will gesture at video, a common symptom of the disease, or nervous system-regulating movement. Others show how to be more kind to people.

Accepting content creators might decrease suicide, poverty, and rates of inequality. It's a long shot because it would require people with disabilities to get used to being uncomfy.

Tech companies are helping employees get abortions.