The Associated Press reports that Japanese regulators gave the go-ahead for the nuclear plant to release treated radioactive wastewater into the ocean.

There is still a lot of tritium in the water that could threaten the health of aquatic communities and countries.

A lot of unknowns make judging the full impact of such a venture difficult. According to the AP, there are still questions about the health impacts of being exposed to low doses of tritium in the long term.

Radioactive Delay

The Prime Minister of Japan announced last year that he was going to dump water into the ocean. The officials warned that the plant could run out of space to store the contaminated water.

It has been a controversial subject, with the public being challenged to drink some of the radioactive wastewater.

China and South Korea have voiced their discontent since the plans surfaced.

The wastewater will be pumped through a pipe to a coastal facility where it will be treated with water. Just over half a mile from shore, that mix will be discharged.

Japan approved a plan to release wastewater from the nuclear plant.

There are photos from the deep inside the reactor.