Image: Reply All

According to an internal memo, Alex Goldman and Emmanuel Dzotsi will be leaving the show next month. It is not clear what form the show will take.

Gimlet executives sent staffers an email Wednesday morning saying that Alex and Emanuel had decided to explore opportunities outside of Gimlet, and we will have more information on the future of Reply All soon.

The eight-year-old show, which was once the jewel in Gimlet's crown, was dealt a blow by Goldman and Dzotsi's announcement. When The Test Kitchen was published by Reply All, former Gimlet staffers accused co-host PJ Vogt and producer Sruthi Pinnamaneni of fostering a similar work culture. They left the show.

Lydia Polgreen, the managing director of Gimlet, and Matthew Lieber, the co-founder, left the company in the past two months. Goldman and Dzotsi have been reached out to by The Verge.

You can read the entire letter.

Dear Gimlet,

We write to share that Alex Goldman and Emmanuel Dzotsi have decided to leave Reply All. They will publish their final episode of this season on June 23rd.

Alex and Emmanuel have both made the decision to explore opportunities outside of Gimlet, and we’ll have more info to share on the future of Reply All soon. This show has had an incredible run, pushing the boundaries of what works in narrative audio, inspiring fellow and future podcasters, and making audiences rethink their own digital lives. It is not an exaggeration to say it defined an era of podcasting.

The decision to end this iteration of the show came from a desire of the host team to move on, and we hope that there is a future where a show about the internet that isn’t actually about the internet can be reborn in Gimlet’s library. For now, though, we just want to thank the team for all of their hard work, and celebrate the last episodes of a great season.

Please reach out to us with any questions.

Nicole, Mimi, Reyhan and Valentina

[Head of news and knowledge programming Nicole Beemsterboer; head of scripted Mimi O’Donnell; head of society and culture programming Reyhan Harmanci; and head of content operations Valentina Powers.]

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