The Department of Justice requested that the House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol riot give over its interview transcripts, but the committee's chair said lawmakers wouldn't give them up.

First Hearing Held By House Select Committee Investigating January 6 Attack On US Capitol

The chairman of the U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January attack is Rep. Bennie Thompson.

Kent Nishimura/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

The New York Times reported Tuesday that the DOJ asked for transcripts from over 1,000 interviews conducted by the committee, material that could help inform future investigations by the department.

The committee would not give the work product to the DOJ, according to the report.

Thompson said DOJ officials might be invited to review transcript material at the committee's offices.

The committee is debating whether to broaden its investigation or focus on former President Donald Trump's possible involvement in the riot. Many of the individuals requested to testify before the committee allegedly witnessed Trump's behavior during the riot. On Thursday, the committee subpoenaed House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who said Trump told him he was partially responsible for the riot. Kyle Cheney, a reporter for Politico, said Tuesday that the committee does not plan to call Trump or Pence as witnesses.

The January 6 Committee doesn't plan to call Trump or Pence as witnesses.