NATO is getting a boost in combat power, as Sweden and Finland are moving to join the organization.

The move toward the alliance by Sweden and Finland can be seen as a rebuke of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who sent troops to Ukraine in February, purportedly in part due to concerns about the expansion of the NATO alliance.

Jim Townsend, a former Pentagon and NATO official, said that NATO would get a lot from the addition of Sweden and Finland.

One of the more powerful air forces in Europe is in Finland.

They have been flying the F/A-18 with the latest US weaponry, and they are going to buy the F-35, he said.

Sweden has in its arsenal of combat aircraft the Gripen fighters, a jet that the country previously claimed would excel at taking out the Russians. Sweden has said that its jets have the edge over the Russians because of their ability to maneuver in dogfights.

The E-model is designed to kill. The commander of Sweden's air force told Yle that there was a black belt there. The planes are said to shine in electronic warfare.

One of the strongest armies in Europe is located in the country of Finns. It has relatively large and effective conscript and reserve forces. In a December 2021, poll, the majority of men and women said they would be ready to defend their country to the best of their abilities, some of the highest figures in Europe.

When it comes to fighting in the snow, the Finns are the best, as well as their modern land forces.

A marksman of Finnish Jaeger Company participating in a 2018 military exercise.
A marksman of Finnish Jaeger Company participating in a 2018 military exercise.
Ville Multanen, Finnish Defence Forces

He said that both Sweden and Finland have very professional and modern naval vessels, with a mix of sensors and guns.

In a 2005 exercise, a small diesel-powered submarine from Sweden was able to get close to and take out a $6.2 billion US Navy aircraft carrier. During war games, the Gotland was able to stealthily overcome destroyers and nuclear attack submarines.

NATO would get additional intelligence from Finland, which shares a border with Russia.

NATO doesn't have its own active intelligence capability, so they rely on allies to bring intel to them.

The country will apply for NATO membership, Prime Minister Sanna Marin and President Sauli Niinisto confirmed on Sunday. Niinisto told reporters that a new era begins.

The Prime Minister of Sweden confirmed on Monday that the country wants to join NATO.

There is a broad majority in the parliament for Sweden to join NATO.