A still from Black Mirror of a blond woman engaging in martial arts with a man in a black karate gi.

Variety says that Black Mirror is coming back with a new season. The three-year gap in between seasons is largely due to the departure of House of Tomorrow and the group that held the rights to the Black Mirror franchise. Over the past few years, companies were bought and sold, and the fate of Black Mirror had to be changed over and over again. The series will be coming back, it seems that something has been signed in ink.

There will be more episodes than last season, which only had three, but details are being kept quiet. In Season 5, extra-long,cinematic episodes were first explored. The format of the anthology will also continue.

I don't know what stomach there would be for stories about societies falling. I want to revisit my comic skill set, so I have been writing scripts to make myself laugh.

It is not known how much of a part he and Annabel Jones will play in the series, which is still the work that has become synonymous with his name. The show gained popularity due to pushing the envelope with Bandersnatch, as well as cultural and well-known actors like Andrew Scott and Anthony Mackie.

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