Around her 30th birthday, she testified about a fight she and Depp had. She says she had to use the couple's safe word to get him to stop because things got so bad. Heard blames the actor's dog for the poop found in his bed. After a week-long break, Amber is back on the stand Monday and her defense team just brought up the incident. Heard says the dog, Boo, who was a puppy at the time, had gotten into Johnny's marijuana. The dogs were up on the bed before Heard and her girlfriends left for the festival. Johnny believed that the doo-doo was too big for his dog to produce and that's why he had a different explanation. He says it looked like it was from a human, and it was so weird and grotesque that I could only laugh. Heard told Starling that she was involved in a prank that went wrong, but she testified that she wasn't in a pranking mood.