The former chair of the Democratic National Convention made a plea to her party.

Democrats need to stop sleeping at the wheel. I am serious. Donna Brazile said on ABC News that she should stop sleeping at the wheel and wait for the last six weeks of the election.

Her advice comes at a time when polls show a decline in support for the Democrats.

Democrats have to remind people what the Democratic Party is doing to help them. Help them at the gas station. Help them at the store. Brazile said to help them where it matters in their pocketbooks.

If Democrats are not able to do that, they will continue to sleep at the wheel and rely on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Democrats, who currently hold a wafer-thin majority in the House and Senate, should focus on the country's ongoing economic recovery. There are concerns that the January 6 investigation has overshadowed economic gains.

If Democrats don't put up a fight, they will face a Republican majority in November.