Bette Midler breastfeeding baby formula

On May 12th, singer and actress Bette Midler posted a message. It is free and available on the internet. The photo was taken by SAMUEL CORUM.

AFP via Getty Images

As the U.S. deals with a baby formula shortage, actress and author Bette Midler posted a message on her account. On Thursday, Midler wrote, "TRY BREASTFEEEDING! It's free and available on demand, in response to a holy oligopoly, Batman-tweet from the host of The 11th Hour.

Bette Midler 1

From the social networking site.

From Twitter

The response to Midler's tweet was quite large and he got quite a response. One possible reason for the attention is that Midler is well-known for many things, including singing and acting. Even if it is about farting or art, it is rare that no reaction will occur.

The baby formula shortage reveals an amazing secret oligopoly, and one of the reasons was the specific wording of Midler's tweet. There is a lack of competition in the industry that is behind the current shortage. Lower quality, higher prices, and more vulnerable supply chains can be caused by fewer manufacturers. That meant that a single event, such as a baby formula plant being shut down as I covered for Forbes on February 18, could cause an overall shortage. The resulting shortage has left many parents and caregivers with few other options. You can make a baby formula out of hot dogs, spaghetti, and kale by pureeing them in a blender.

Is breastfeeding the answer to the baby formula shortage? It is complicated according to a movie title from the year 2009. Major health organizations are trying to encourage more people to breastfeed. According to the CDC website, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants be exclusively breastfed for about the first 6 months with continued breastfeeding along with introducing appropriate foods for 1 year or longer.

Breast milk is superior to baby formula in many ways. Babies can absorb better than formula. The brain and nervous system can be improved by the different types of nutrition in breast milk. The natural immune protectants in breast milk can lead to fewer and less severe infections. The benefits of breastfeeding seem to last well past the first six months of life. Babies who are breastfed have a lower risk of SIDS. There appears to be a correlation between length of breastfeeding and the amount of protection. This association doesn't extend forever as a child breastfeeding beyond certain ages, and it may be a bit unusual.

Some of the benefits of breastfeeding are summarized in a video by the Medical Director of the Normal Newborn Nursery at the Geisel School of Medicine.

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It's probably better to avoid using the word "breast" with the words " available on demand." Breasts are not latte machines. You can turn them on when you need them. People don't just have breastmilk on demand or BMOD. Some people can't produce enough breast milk.

Lack of breast milk is an issue when you have a male care giver. The primary caregivers for an infant can be men. It can be difficult to get men to breast feed.

Allison Floyd pointed out the problems with mastitis.

Mastitis is inflammation of the breast tissue. It can leave parts of the breast red, swollen, and inflammatory, three words that don't go together with breastfeeding very well.

There were people who questioned the statement that breast feeding is free. Nothing in life is free as anyone who has posted for free on Facebook knows. There is no such thing as a free lunch when you are an infant. breastfeeding does take time, unless you have built a time machine out of a DeLorean or aTesla. Caryn Rose responded:

It looks like Midler noticed the many responses to her tweet and offered further clarification.

Bette Midler 2

From the social networking site.

From Twitter

Midler emphasized that no shame if you can breastfeeding, but if you are convinced that your own milk isn't as good.

In this case, a nurse who has been caught in a rainstorm is not referred to as a wet nurse. A wet nurse is someone who feeds someone else's child. It's nice to have someone around who can do what you can't. Many people may not have the resources to find or hire a wet nurse. There is a history of Black slaves being required to breastfeed the children of their masters in the U.S., according to a thread from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The baby formula shortage is complex and there isn't a single formula to solve it. The baby formula industry came up with a viable alternative to breastfeeding. The industry may not have evolved in a way that best serves the needs of parents and children. Baby formula shouldn't be the only method of overcoming existing breastfeeding challenges that a wide range of people continue to face. You can't assume that everyone has the same resources. You can assume that society will stay the same and that formula that worked in the past will work in the future. It's not a viable solution if you tell people to miss work or get help.