Kevin Stitt, the governor of Oklahoma, defended his state's law banning abortions at six weeks without exceptions for rape or incest.
Stitt told Shannon Bream on Fox News Sunday that he has daughters, and that he can't imagine what hardship would be like. Killing one to protect another is not the right thing to do.
Conservative states are moving beyond what some Republicans promised for decades. Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump were the only Republican presidents who supported exceptions to the abortion ban in the case of rape, incest and the health of the mother. Oklahoma has a ban on abortion that does not have any of the exceptions.
The co-chair of the Republican Governor's Association said that he supports bans without exceptions.
"I believe life begins at conception and those are babies as well, so we're going to take further steps to protect those."
As soon as the Supreme Court overturns federal abortion rights, 13 states have laws that ban the procedure. According to a leaked draft of the Supreme Court's decision, a majority of the high court wanted to overturn the landmark 1973 abortion ruling.
Nebraska does not have atrigger law. It is expected to be one of the states where Republicans will once again advocate against abortion if the Supreme Court overturns the case. Despite being a predominantly conservative state, Nebraska has a single-house legislature that is limited by a Democratic-led filibuster.
Democrats want to highlight the complete nature of the bans states are passing and signing into law.
The hearts and minds of women are more important than the laws of men, according to Colorado Gov.
He praised his state's move to protect abortion rights. He wouldn't say if Colorado law would allow someone to get an abortion up to birth.
People face gut-wrenching decisions every day, whether it is rape or incest, or having to choose between the life of the mother or the child, for the government to insert itself in that conversation.