Accidents happen.

Pet owners know how to clean up accidents better than anyone else, so naturally they have methods, tips, and the best products out there. The best advice that pet owners have to offer, so you can be prepared for next time.

Fresh stains on carpet

If your pet peed on the carpet, you have to act fast. If possible, put a thick layer of paper towels or microfiber cloths over the stain to keep it from soaking through to the floor.

Once the paper towels or cloths have soaked up as much as possible, set those aside or throw them away, then rinse the area with cold water and soak it up again with more paper towels or cloths. The time might be right to use a wet vac. Many pet owners swear by the Bissell CrossWave and say it is worth the investment, but there are some good cheap wet vac options.

Baking soda can be sprinkled on the damp area. This will ensure that there is no stain or odor left. Once it is dry, vacuum it up.

Old/dry stains on the carpet

The best way to remove set-in stains and odor is with an enzyme-based cleaner, according to the majority of Redditors. Most cleaning products have an ammonia base, which masks the smell, but doesn't break down the urine.

Dogs have stronger noses than ours. Even if we can smell the ammonia, they usually can.

Nature's Miracle is the most popular cleaning product out there. "Nature's Miracle will clean anything and take any odor out", said Perjink.

Anti-Icky poo seems to have a cult following. We had to deal with the mattress after it was soaked all the way into it. The smell and stain were gone after just spraying the Anti-Icky Poo a few times.

Follow the instructions on the bottle to get the enzymes to work.

Image of woman cleaning up pee on the floor with her puppy watching

Dealing with accidents is par for the course for pet parents. Credit: Getty Images

Preventing new stains

Every pet owner knows that preparation is key. You can do things to mitigate the effects of accidents if you want to. If your puppy is still being housebroken, consider rugs and slipcovers that are machine-washable and use baby-gates to keep pets contained.

I keep a bag of baby wipes by both my front door and garden door, and I wipe his feet and tushy when he comes into the house. The portable paw cleaner was recommended by Neilpoleon as an alternative to the wipes.

It is possible to have a pet and keep your home clean.