Obama applauded the abortion rights protesters on Saturday and called for more activism.

Across the country, Americans are standing up for abortion rights, and I am proud of everyone making their voices heard. Obama encouraged people to join a march on Saturday along with an organizing link.

The former president said that you can still get involved if you can't join the march in person. There is a local abortion fund. Activists have been organizing on this issue for a long time. In every election, vote before November 8.

His comments come on the heels of nationwide protests after a leaked Supreme Court draft showed the court is poised to overturn abortion rights.

—Barack Obama (@BarackObama) May 14, 2022

The consequences of a reversal would affect every American, Obama warned after the opinion was leaked.

No one should want that result. It should serve as a powerful reminder of the central role the courts play in protecting our rights and of the fact that elections have consequences.

On Wednesday, the Senate failed to advance a bill that would codify abortion rights in federal law.

President Joe Biden criticized Senate Republicans.

Not one of the Republicans who voted for the bill has chosen to stand in the way of Americans' rights to make their own decisions.