Bill Gates said it was tragic if conspiracy theories about him putting microchips in vaccines was preventing people from getting vaccine.

I don't know why they think I'm interested in knowing people's locations, but if it's holding

Gates told Cooper that conspiracy theories are fun to click on, and that it may be easier for people to understand the complicated science behind the fast development of COVID.

Conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers continue to spread false information about the vaccine.

Gates said the assertions were so strange they were almost laughable.

Gates said in 2020 that it was almost hard to deny it because it was so stupid.

The theory could have evolved from information taken out of context, including a video that went viral at the beginning of the Pandemic.

The vaccine-makers did not request the use of this label, which would have been placed on the outside of the syringe and not injected into the patient. It would have been used to distinguish the real vaccine from fakes and to track when injections are used.

He told Cooper that the theories that he is only trying to profit off of the vaccine are incorrect.

We have given billions for vaccines and saved millions of lives. He said that a popular conspiracy theory is that we are trying to make money from vaccines, not trying to save lives.

While vaccine hesitancy was reduced in the US, Gates said the US still has a lower full vaccination rate than many other countries, and the country needs to figure out ways to reach individuals who are still skeptical.

Are they open-minded? Gates said that he was surprised that the US had been tough, because it was to their benefit and to the people around them.