The Bezos family fled to the US from Cuba after Castro took power. The Statue of Liberty - Ellis Island Awards was a challenging account that Bezos remembered last week.

The billionaire Amazon founder said that every immigrant will have a deep optimism and resilience.

Immigrants come to the U.S. because they have faith in the opportunities for their lives and families.

Every immigrant who has come to this country has their own unique story. Bezos said that they end up having a belief in America because they are fighting for a better life.

He said that he and his sibling could not have had a better role model.

Who is Miguel Bezos?

The father of the founder is named Mike. He arrived in Miami from Cuba at the age of 16 and didn't speak English. He was educated in a Catholic school in Delaware.

It was a great experience to have a priest in charge of us. I am sure you have heard of the bad experiences some of the Peter Pan kids have, but for us in Wilmington, we had each other, and we became very close, according to a 2016 interview posted on the Smithsonian National Museum.

He worked at ExxonMobil for over 30 years in engineering and managerial positions.

He and his wife founded the Bezos Family Foundation in 2000. The foundation supports the education of children.

Jeff gave a moving speech when his father was honored at the Statue of Liberty - Ellis Island awards.

He was honored by the foundation for his life story and passion for education.

By the end of his speech, Jeff said he was proud of his father and that his story shows that people help each other.

This is not the first time Jeff Bezos has publicly praised his mother. He made an appreciation post for him.

My dad came here from Cuba all by himself without speaking English when he was 16 years old, and has been kicking ass ever since. Thank you for all the love and heart, Dad!

— Jeff Bezos (@JeffBezos) June 17, 2018