It would be easy to get an abortion in a perfect world. You can get abortion pills from the drugstore or make an appointment with your regular gynecologist if you realize you need an abortion. We don't live in a perfect world. In modern-day America, abortion access can be difficult, even in states like California and New York, where abortion pills are expensive. Since few gynecologists offer abortion services out of their private practice, you need to find a specialized clinic, which can be a challenge.

Things are going to get worse in the coming months. With the US Supreme Court on the verge of ruling on the legality of abortion, access is about to disappear in close to half of America. Even if abortion rights are protected in your home state, an influx of patients from other states is likely to tax an already over stressed system, making appointments difficult to get.

A general truth about abortion is that most people don't think about how they're going to get one until they're dealing with an unwanted pregnancy. You can change that. One of the best things you can do in a post-Roe world is know your options and make an abortion access plan long before you need one.

What is the right method for me?

There are two main types of abortion, surgical and medical. A surgical abortion is performed by a trained professional who uses techniques like vacuum aspiration or D&C to empty the uterus. A medication abortion uses a combination of pills to induce a miscarriage. There are positives and negatives to each method. A surgical abortion can be done quickly if you travel to a clinic. A medication abortion can be done from anywhere, but it usually takes a few days for the abortion to be complete. If you have a bleeding disorder, an IUD, or need an abortion later in pregnancy, a surgical abortion might be your safest bet.

It's good to learn about both surgical and medication abortion options before you make a decision on which option is best for you. As abortion clinics get swamped with clients, wait times for appointments increase, if you can do a medication abortion, it might be the better choice. The longer you wait, the more complicated and expensive the procedure can be. Even if a surgical abortion would be your first choice in an ideal scenario, a medication abortion can be a better option.

Where is my closest abortion provider?

Abortion Finder is a database of hundreds of trusted and verified abortion providers in the United States. When searching for an abortion clinic, Abortion Finder will show you only actual abortion providers, along with the relevant abortion laws in that state. If you live in a state with severe abortion restrictions, Abortion Finder's filters allow you to find the nearest clinic that can provide an abortion after six weeks.

There are more resources available if you choose a medication abortion. Research shows that taking abortion pills at home is just as safe as taking them in a doctor's presence. Plan C has a large database of verified abortion pill providers that include both online and in-person abortion support services.

What if abortion is illegal in my state?

If abortion is illegal in your area, you can still have it with pills. If you are able to travel to a state where abortion is legal, a service can send you the pills. If you can't travel, AidAccess will connect you with an Indian pharmacy that will send abortion pills to all 50 US states. AidAccess is willing to prescribe abortion pills to people who aren't currently pregnant in case they need them in the future. You can get abortion pills at AidAccess. Is that for planning ahead?

I should know anything else.

Going for an abortion alone can be intimidating. A number of sites have been set up to walk people through the process of self-managing an abortion with pills. Safe and Supported has everything you need to know about abortion pill and self-managed abortion. The Reprocare Healthline offers emotional support to anyone having an abortion at home with pills. If you live in a state where abortion is illegal, it's important to know that self-managed abortion with pills can come with legal risks. The Repro Legal Helpline is a free, confidential helpline that provides information and advice to people seeking to self-manage their abortions. The Repro Legal Defense Fund provides bail and legal defense for people who have been investigated, arrested, or prosecuted for self-managed abortion.

It is likely that the abortion itself and travel expenses will cost you money, no matter what kind of abortion you get. It's great if you can put money aside for an abortion. Since many people opt for abortion because of financial issues, that isn't a realistic option. Help can be provided by abortion funds. The National Network of Abortion Funds will connect you to an organization that will help you sort out your financial and logistical needs and do everything they can to remove the barriers between you and your abortion. Looking to support abortion access? Donating to abortion funds is a great idea.

Everyone should have easy access to an abortion. There is no question that the United States is on the wrong track and that the abandonment of abortion rights will hurt pregnant women. If you need an abortion, please know that you are not alone. Many people and services are willing to help you get the care you need. Knowing where to find them is the biggest hurdle.