Two anthropomorphic blue cat aliens smoosh their long braided ponytails together.

The highest-grossing movie of all time has been reclaimed by James Cameron's blockbuster, "Avatar", thanks to a recent re-release. It's possible that Endgame will get a revival eventually, and then there will be another, and the two films will trade places for years, all while raking in the cash. The distinction between the highest-grossing movie to ever feature aliens who have sex with their ponytail and the lowest-grossing movie to ever feature aliens who have sex with their ponytail is not lost on us.

I'm not trying to be mean here. The aliens in the movie have something in the back of their heads. A neural appendage that ends in a variety of small tentacles can connect with the flora and fauna of the world of Pandora, all of whom have similar appendages. The bond is a major part of the Na'vi's life. The neural link-up these queues allow is described in this way.

The connection allows the Na'vi to sense the signals from plants and the moon. It allows the Na’vi to access the neural network that surrounds the moon and thus the collective wisdom of all life. It is difficult to overstate the importance of the queue to the spiritual and physical well-being of the Na. The dire horse and the mountain banshee are important to the success and protection of the clan and are connected to it through the use of the queue.

One of the earliest lessons Jake can learn is how to use his queue to connect to a dire horse. The beast's antenna has intertwined with Jake's queue, and Neytiri tells him to feel her. Feel her heartbeat. Her breath. Feel her legs. You can tell her what to do. The link doesn't just allow access to physical sensations, but can carry mental commands. The ikron, a flying dragon-like object, is controlled by the Na’vi and they bond with their rider for the rest of their lives.

If the scene depicting Jake and Neytiri's physical romance was a big deal, the Na'vi use their queues during the act of lovemaking. In the film's most intimate scene, the two bring the ends of their queue together, the pink tendrils reaching hungrily for one another. The two bond physically and mentally, and the sensation seems to nearly overwhelm Jake before they begin making out, hard, until the scene eventually fades out. The sexiness begins at 2:20 in this video of the scene.

This scene was not included in the official theatrical release. It was added back into the film for its DVD release after being shot and composited. Multiple io9 staffers have said they saw the sex scene in the movie. Whatever the truth of where it was shown, its authenticity is not in doubt.

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She is next to Jake in a traditionally post-coital position when we return to him. The joining of the queue is not part of the Navi reproductive system and no genetic material is passed back and forth. It's not known how contraception is accomplished, even as they're essential to reproduction. They put the sex tentacles into the animals.

This is a statement of fact. They use the same appendage to make love as they do to control other creatures. You're trying to judge them by human standards if this thought doesn't scare you. It's not a good idea to put our sex organs into animals for any reason, and wouldn't help us ride a horse under the best of circumstances. As far as we know, many of the animals of Pandora evolved with an external neural interface, and connecting with the Na’vi does them no harm.

I don't know if it's necessary to clean their queue ends before and after sexy times, but I hope so. It wasn't portrayed on screen as the Na'vi wash their queue frequently. I hope I never see that portrayed on screen, but I suppose they could clean their queue with their tongue, like cats.

We don't know. All we know for certain is that the Na'vi are the stars of the highest-grossing movie of all time, because they use the same tentacle to have sex and drive animals. That is something we should never forget.

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