Morning Consult has tracked the question of trust in the Supreme Court for years and has found that fewer than half of Americans trust the court.
On May 5, 2022, there will be a protest outside of the Supreme Court.
Morning Consult's weekly tracking poll found that 45% of Americans trust the Supreme Court, down from 50% on May 2 and 50% on April 23.
Morning Consult started tracking the question in October 2020.
Republicans trust in the court went up from 57% on May 2 to 64% now, despite the fact that trust among Democrats and Independents dropped by nine and six points, respectively.
The leaked draft opinion from May 2 shows a majority of justices want to overturn the abortion law, which has led to protests at justices' homes and the Senate passing legislation increasing justices' security.
The court has come under more ethical scrutiny after it was reported that Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, Ginni, advocated for changing the results of the 2020 election.
The House Judiciary Committee voted in favor of legislation that would create a code of conduct for Supreme Court justices and require them to step down from certain cases.
It was 73%. A recent Morning Consult/Politico poll shows that a majority of voters support binding Supreme Court justices to a code of ethics. Supreme Court justices are not bound by the same code of conduct as other federal judges.
The Supreme Court ethics bill will go to the full House, and a companion bill in the Senate is unlikely to get the 60 votes needed to pass. If enacted, the bill would require justices to rectute if a party in a case supported their confirmation or gave them income or gifts, as well as requiring all parties who appear before the court or submit briefs to disclose any ties they have to justices. The court's final decision in the abortion case is expected in June.
Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee were against moving forward with the Supreme Court ethics bill because they thought it was a partisan reaction to the news of the possible overturn of the abortion law. The bill is about what is happening at the court, according to Rep. Mike Johnson.
The issue of the 6-3 conservative court being too politicized has been thrown into high relief by the leak of the abortion draft and text messages. The House January 6 Committee obtained messages from Clarence Thomas in which he said that he would release the Kraken and save America from the left. Fears about the court's conservative tilt have been made worse by the leaked abortion opinion. A rarity for the court, the decision was leaked ahead of time, which has been criticized for hurting the court's image as being above partisan politics, which it had previously managed to hold onto.
Tracking trust in U.S. institutions.
The Supreme Court's ethics code mandate is changing.
The committee plans to ask Ginni Thomas about the 2020 election text.
The Supreme Court majority still supports reversing the Wade decision.