The master chief.
Everyone is going to have a field day with this one. The final episode of the Halo series is airing today on Paramount Plus, and while some predicted we would end up here as a joke, we have actually arrived.
The master chief had sex.
It's really sad.
Let me be more specific. Master Chief had sex with a Covenant spy and it may lead to the entire Fall of Reach.
This seems to be the end of the _Master Cheeks_ version of John 117, where the show seemed to enjoy showing a lot of butt for a while.
It is not very graphic. This time around, it is more about what a terrible decision this is and how far we have come from the video game hero. Master Chief has been transformed into an entirely different character because of this effort.
There is a game called Halo.
It isn't just that Master Chief had sex, it's also the entire context surrounding it. Let's recap.
Master Chief is going to cause the Fall of Reach by having sex with a Covenant spy. This is where we arrived at this point in the show.
The Spartan fight scene and Cortana's growth were good, but this series is too far off the rails to work as a whole. We already know we are getting a season 2, but this has been something to watch.
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The Herokiller series and The Earthborn trilogy are my sci-fi novels.