Gates was trying to get the world to do disease simulation drills. They always ended up being just desktop simulations, where you don't really call up the diagnostic companies and see if they can give you a machine, or you don't really say, "Let's impose aQuarantine."

The importance of practice is what it is. Australia came to understand that public health labs don't have 100 percent of the capacity to do the job of testing, if you look at the countries that were successful with Covid. After a practice run, you would write at the top of your piece of paper, "Call the PCR companies and make sure you have the budget to stand behind whatever commitments you're making." This was a failure in the US.

We were thought to be the most prepared country. Was all that preparation wasted?

It was wasted.

The premise of your book is that Covid has made it easier to prevent the next epidemic. I wonder if that is true. There are millions of people who are skeptical of public health, with knee-jerk resistance to anything the government proposes, creating a weird headwind.

The elements of my plan are not controversial. It isn't that controversial to have a diagnosis and a Quarantine aren't that controversial. I think it could be extreme. It was not that controversial. It is only masks that became controversial. We have half a million dead bodies.


The US has 600,000. Levy said it was more than a million. I think this will be like a war, where we think about how to prevent it from happening again after it has ended.

It is still happening. Some people are unsure if it is wise to gather for TED.


We are still in a Pandemic.

The risk of getting into a car was the greatest. Should they have taken the car? It is very controversial. People need to think about getting into cars. People are dying. I think someone died today. We could look at it. Let's be serious. Is it possible that no one is willing to be numerical anymore?

Levy looked it up later. According to Jetelina, the chance of dying from driving 250 miles is 1 in a million. The average American driver has 54 micromorts in a year. The chance of dying from a Covid infection is 6,000 micromorts, which is a little more risky than one year of active service in Afghanistan.

Are you saying the epidemic is over for rich countries?

It is not over. We do not know enough about variant. The Omicron variant was not predicted. It is one of the great unexplained events. We have always been stupid about the science of transmission. I have been calling Congress and telling them to be more generous on the international response. The US creates a vacuum when it doesn't take a leadership role in global health.