More than 107,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2021, a record high, according to data released by the Centers for Disease Control.
A Drug Enforcement Administration chemist checks seized drugs.
Drug overdose deaths increased in the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The state of Alaska saw a 75% increase in deaths in 2021.
Almost 81,000. According to the CDC, the number of people who died from drug overdoses in 2020 was roughly 70,000.
Over one million Americans have died from drug overdoses over the past two decades. The Covid-19 epidemic may have made treatment harder to access for those suffering from substance abuse addictions, according to some experts. Opioids have accounted for the largest share of overdose deaths. The economic cost of the crisis was estimated by Forbes in 2020.
The economic cost of the opiate epidemic is over a trillion dollars a year.
Drug overdose deaths in the US hit a record high in 2011.