If your business is completely remote, no one will have to come in. The boss and HR work from home.

If you have employees who need to be in the office every day or who you have asked to work in the office, you need to be there.

  • Non-executive employees are nearly twice as likely as executives to be working from the office five days a week.
  • Non-executives' work-life balance scores are now 40% worse than their bosses, plummeting at five times the rate of executives over the last quarter.
  • Non-executives are also reporting more than twice the level of work-related stress and anxiety as executives.

If you want your employees to work in the office, you need to be there. Here is why.

Employees should thank their bosses for hiring them. The reality is that your business is dead in the water without your employees.

You should not ask your employees to come into the office if you aren&t willing to do it yourself.

Ensuring that employees receive proper treatment is the most important thing that HR managers do in a small business. It is a sign that the HR manager is more important than the employees' well-being if he sits at home while they are in the office.

The HR manager is an employee, but if the employees never see them, they are not doing the job correctly.

Not everyone works better from home, and there are good reasons for being in the office. If you say that you work better from the office, what kind of message does it send to your employees?

The results of the survey show that non-executive employees have higher levels of stress. Is this part of this?

If an employee wants to work full time in the office, that is great. Everyone else needs that opportunity if you and your HR person want to work from home.

The management team and the employee relations person in HR need to be on-site more often if your business has people that need to be on-site. You are not leading your team from your home office.

Bosses earn more money because their jobs are more challenging, even though you may think you have worked hard to be the boss. You should treat your employees the way you want to be treated. If you want to work from home, they do too.