Climate change has caused a lake in Nevada to give up its life because of low water levels.

According to a press release by the National Parks Service, rangers received a witness report of human skeletal remains at the Lake Mead National Recreation Area over the weekend. The cause of death is still being determined by the medical examiner.

Barrel Roll

The discovery would be frightful on its own, but it comes just a week after authorities discovered a separate body, this one located in a barrel and also in the lake, believed to be the remains of a shooting victim.

The discovery of remains might become a gruesome habit given the current dry spell.

As the lake levels continue to drop, you're going to be posting this at least once a week, I think, the account said.


Water and electricity are provided to tribes, cities and rural areas in Arizona, California and Nevada by Lake Mead. Last year, officials predicted that it would hit its lowest point since the 1930s, at just 36 percent capacity, and that it would likely get worse over time.

Water shortages like this one will cause more tension as climate change marches on. We could soon find out how many murders our bodies of water are holding onto if the quip above is true.

Scientists are looking for something that looks like a road deep under the ocean.