After its workers won a union election, Amazon fired two employees who were involved in organization efforts. It is the first time since the election that Amazon has forced out workers involved in the union drive, though it is not clear if the company took these actions in response to the election.

Mat Cusick told the outlet that he was fired from his job as a communications lead for the Amazon Labor Union because he was on leave to care for a loved one. Cusick was let go for voluntary resignation due to job abandonment.

Dutchin said he was fired for failing to meet productivity targets.

Both sides of labor organizing drives have resulted in the firing of Amazon workers. Chris Smalls was terminated by the company in March 2020 after leading a protest over Amazon's alleged failure to protect workers. The president of ALU is Smalls. The company was ordered to restore a JFK8 worker who was fired after a protest.

Last week, Amazon let go six senior managers who were said to have been involved in the company's anti-union efforts. Amazon said it pushed them out as part of management changes.

The election result was challenged in court by Amazon. The ALU has yet to be recognized. Amazon has been contacted by Engadget.