If shareholders and regulators approve Musk's $44 billion bid for the company, he believes he'll be able toquintuple the company's revenue.

Musk said recently to investors that he believes the company could make $26.4 billion in revenue in six years, a huge increase from the $5 billion it made in 2011.

How is he going to make this happen?

The New York Times reported that Musk said that advertising would pull in $12 billion, equal to 45% of total revenue, down from 90% in 2020. Last week, Musk said there could be a light cost for commercial and government users to use the service.

Musk said that there would be two products. Extra features for $3 a month are offered by the existing service, though this may be cut to $2. He thinks that by the year 2075, 69 million users will be on the micro-messaging service.

Musk didn't say what the new product would offer, but he did say it was a new product. He wants to have 9 million sign-ups in its first year before reaching 104 million users.

The expansion of the payments business could increase the company's revenue from an estimated 15 million dollars next year to over a billion dollars in the next decade. The Times notes that it is possible that the prospective owner could add a payment feature to the app, which he helped to build two decades ago.

The company can increase its global community of users from 217 million to 600 million in the next five years, according to Musk, a bold claim considering the company's slow growth rate in recent years.

Critics are already raising concerns about Musk's plans for Twitter, with many worried that his expected move to reduce moderation on the service in the name of free speech may end up driving people away from the platform.

This is the man who turnedTesla into a moneymaker and also grew a hugely successful commercial spaceflight company in the form of SpaceX. It's impossible to say how things will work out until Musk reveals more about how he wants to handle the business.

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