I tried a TikTok viral drink that's popular in Utah.
Insider's Maria Noyen tried a TikTok viral drink that's popular in Utah.Maria Noyen/Insider
  • I live in the UK and start my day with either a homemade or store-bought cup of coffee.

  • I found out that mixing coffee creamer with Diet Coke is a Utah tradition.

  • I was a big fan of how it balanced the sweet and salty flavors.

I like to start my day with a cup of coffee.

Lech tour.
Coffee and pastry is a great way to start the day.Maria Noyen/Insider

I have lived in the UK for most of my life, but I am pretty sure that most places around the world start their day with a cup of coffee.

I make coffee with a cafetiere whenever I'm at home, but when I want to treat myself, I go to my local cafe.

A user on TikTok claimed that it was popular in Utah to mix coffee creamer with Diet Coke.

Mixing coffee creamer and soda is a staple in Utah, according to TikTok.
Mixing coffee creamer and soda is a staple in Utah, according to TikTok.Justin Sullivan/Getty Images, Scott Olson/Getty Images

I had no idea how popular diet coke was in Utah. While scrolling on TikTok, I came across a video by user #toponlinefinds, who has over 2 million followers, who replied to a comment left by someone confused that she put coffee creamer in her Diet Coke.

The user who doesn't use her name on TikTok uploaded a clip on January 28 that has since amassed over 627,000 views.

I was curious to find out more about Utah.

Utah has a large Mormon population. Coffee is not allowed in the religion.

A general view of downtown Salt Lake City, Utah.
Salt Lake City, Utah.DANIEL SLIM/AFP via Getty Images

According to the World Population Review, nearly 70% of people in Utah identify as Mormon, which explains why there may be fewer coffee drinkers there.

The church reversed its stance on the ban of cold caffeinated drinks in 2012 and allowed soda. Hot caffeinated drinks are still not allowed.

In the years since, there have been outlets for dirty soda in Utah. The stores used to be called "Mormon Starbucks" by the New York Times.

The recipe for TikTok was easy to find at my local grocery store in the UK.

I swapped my usual coffee recipe (right) for diet coke, creamer, and lemon (left).Maria Noyen/Insider

The recipe was shared by toponlinefinds.

  • 1 fresh lime.

  • A diet coke.

  • The ice was pebbled.

  • Coffee mate is a liquid coconut creamer.

I was unable to find pebbled ice or Coffee Mate liquid coconut creamer in my local store. I went to the American Food Store in London and picked up some French vanilla powdered coffee creamer from Coffee Mate, so I ended up making do with that and regular ice cubes.

I turned my creamer into a liquid.

I mixed a quarter cup of powdered creamer with equal parts boiling water.Maria Noyen/Insider

If you live in the US or have a liquid creamer at home, you can skip this step.

The only thing I had to do was pour boiling water into the powdered FrenchVanilla coffee creamer was turn it into a liquid. To be on the safe side, I used one-quarter cup of powder and one-quarter cup of boiling water.

I let the hot liquid cool down for 15 minutes after making sure the powder dissolved.

Make sure the powder has dissolved into the hot water and then leave it to cool.Maria Noyen/Insider

I was mixing the powder in the boiling water and I smelled French vanilla, which was quite heavenly.

I let it cool down for 15 minutes so that it would not melt when I poured it in with Diet Coke.

I poured Diet Coke into a glass.

I didn't have pebble ice so had to make do with regular ice cubes.Maria Noyen/Insider

I poured Diet Coke into a tall glass after adding ice cubes to it. If I am honest, I am a regular Coke fan but I stuck with the viral recipe in order to give my true thoughts.

I think the pebbled ice would have given this a more professional feel but at the end of the day, ice is ice.

Next up, I added some fresh lime juice.

Freshly-squeezed lime is apparently a must in this drink.Maria Noyen/Insider

The TikTok user says fresh lime is a must, so don't use pre-squeezed lime juice in your fridge.

I put a lime wedge into the drink.

The finished product.Maria Noyen/Insider

I wanted to add a little bit of fanciness to my drink by slicing up some lime wedges, even though I didn't have pebbled ice.

The final product looked like an iced latte minus the lime wedge.

It was bottoming out. I was a fan.

I'm a fully-fledged fan of soda and coffee creamer.Maria Noyen/Insider

I have a bit of a sweet tooth so even though I had never had this drink before, I suspected I would be a fan. It was not overwhelmingly sweet. It reminded me of a little bit of Coke, except with a little bit of lime.

I interrupted my boyfriend to give him a sip because I enjoyed the combo so much. Like me, he said he was a fan.

If I saw this drink on a restaurant menu, I would probably order it.

Maria Noyen would order this drink in a restaurant.Maria Noyen/Insider

I will probably keep my daily cup of coffee even though I enjoyed this drink. There is some scientific research that suggests that it isn't the healthiest drink choice, and is linked to causing tooth decay and kidney damage after long-term consumption.

I am a big supporter of everything in moderation. I would definitely order Diet Coke at a restaurant if it were available in the UK.

The original article can be found on Insider.