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The Prime Minister is promising to deliver a number of Bills which will cut red tape and unnecessary barriers.

The Prime Minister told the Sunday Express that Boris Johnson will announce the new laws in the Queen's Speech.

He told the newspaper that the "super seven" bill will allow Britain to thrive as a modern, dynamic and independent country by changing old EU rules that don't work for the UK.

Mr Johnson said that they will benefit families and businesses across the land by changing old EU rules that don't work for the UK.

The Bills will allow us to thrive as a modern, dynamic and independent country, and this government is getting on with the job of delivering them.

The Queen's Speech will be used by Mr Johnson as an attempt to show his administration is focused on people's concerns, including the rising cost of living, following a set of local elections influenced by the partygate row.

The Prime Minister is expected to announce a plan to revive town centres.

As Mr Johnson tries to reset his Government, the plan to rid high streets of dilapidated shopfronts and restore neighbourhood pride will form a key plan of the Queen's Speech.

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The ability to make the pavement cafes permanent will be one of the measures.

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill will give councils the power to take control of buildings for the benefit of their communities.

Shops that have been vacant for more than a year will be made available to prospective tenants.

Compulsory purchase orders will be given greater powers by authorities.

Mr Johnson said that high streets in the country have been neglected and have become a breeding ground for vagrants.

We are placing power back in the hands of local leaders and the community so our towns can be rejuvenated, levelling up opportunity and restoring neighbourhood pride.

According to the British Retail Consortium, one in seven shops are empty, with as many as a fifth empty in the North East.

Shops have been hit by high rental and business rate costs and declining demand as consumers have moved online.

By empowering local communities to rent out shops which have been sat empty for a year or longer, we will end the plague of boarded up shops that have plagued some of our great towns for far too long.

The Government plans to make a continental-style cafe culture a permanent feature of England's towns and cities.

Restaurants, pubs and bars were able to serve guests on the pavement.

New legislation will make these powers permanent in order to boost local economies.

Plans to ban the import of fur and foie gras are not expected in the Queen's Speech.

The Times reported that the measure had been dropped after Cabinet critics said it was fundamentally unconservative.

The sale and promotion of travel experiences which are cruel to animals is expected to be included in the Animals Abroad Bill.

The second half of the Parliament is about repairing the economy, recovering from Covid and national security, according to the Education Secretary.

The Bill of Rights to replace the Human Rights Act is expected to be included in the package.