The name of the person is back to normal on the search results. At least according to a search on the International Movie Database, her name is Amber Heard. It looks like someone has changed the official name of the person to "Amber Turd", so that it shows up when you search for her. When you got to her page in the search results, this was what popped up. Her name is spelled correctly when you click into her profile on the site. The spelling of Turd is found on both desktop and mobile. It seems that this was a deliberate change that has been made. Our best guess is that this is an IMDb problem, and we have reached out to the company that is owned and operated by Amazon for comment. This stunt/prank obviously stems from the delivery that was left behind after one of the fights between Johnny and Amber. Johnny found a huge piece of shit in his bed after he left. It was one of their small dogs that did it, but Amber has always denied responsibility, as did one of his security guards. Johnny testified about this on the stand a couple weeks ago, but apparently found some humor in the weird memory. The internet latched onto the poop story and it could prove to be crucial when Amber is being cross-examined. It comes down to credibility and believability, and if she doubles down on her dog claim again, it could ding her with the jury. The longer this trial goes, the more it seems like a lie. The people have spoken on the issue of feces. Originally published at 5:07 PM.