Image for article titled Why You Should Participate in ‘No Mow May’

The time of year when traditional grass lawns get back in shape after a cold winter and wet spring is now. If we told you that for the month of May, you could just sit back and enjoy it.

If this sounds appealing, you should know about No Mow May, which is convenient, but also helps your local bees and other insects. Here is what to know.

What is ‘No Mow May’?

No Mow May is when you don't mow your lawn during the month of May. It's similar to "No Shave November", when people stop shaving their upper lip and grow mustaches. Your front lawn is your home in this scenario.

No Mow May was started by a UK-based organization called Plantlife. Bee City USA is a group that leads the movement in the U.S.

Why participate in No Mow May?

The aim of No Mow May is to give your local bees and other insects the chance to work. While a perfectly manicured, uniform-looking green grass lawn is the standard in America, the practice isn't only time consuming and expensive: It's harmful to the environment.