The story was originally published on Mother Jones.

The saga of the United States Postal Service's planned gas-guzzling fleet continues.

The USPS is being sued by 16 states and two environmental activist groups to stop the purchase of a fleet of gas-guzzling mail trucks. In recent months, Louis DeJoy has come under fire for his decision to move forward with a contract for 165,000 new postal trucks that would run on gas and get just 8.6 miles per gallon.

The environmental groups point out that DeJoy did not begin an environmental review of the contract until after the Postal Service had already paid $483 million to the manufacturer of the new trucks. The review was flawed according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

The Postal Service fleet would beelectrified to reduce pollution in nearly every neighborhood in America. The harmful effects of this pollution are felt most by low-income communities of color, which are often forced to breathe compounding sources of pollution.

The postal service has an opportunity to invest in our planet and in our future, according to the California attorney general.

A bill that would require the USPS to commit to a new fleet of 75 percent electric vehicles has not moved out of committee.

Bonta said that the purchase would leave them with more than 100,000 new gas-guzzling vehicles on neighborhood streets for the next 30 years.

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