An expedition to a deep-sea ridge, just north of the Hawaiian Islands, has revealed an ancient dried-out lake bed paved with a yellow brick road.

The eerie scene was chanced upon by the exploration vessel, which is currently surveying the Lili.

PMNM is one of the largest marine areas in the world, larger than all the national parks in the United States combined, and we have only explored 3 percent of its seafloor.

The Ocean Exploration Trust is pushing the frontiers of this wilderness, which is more than 3000 meters below the waves, and anyone can watch the exploration.

Researchers provide live footage and a recently published highlight reel on a daily basis.

A researcher on the radio exclaimed "It's the road to Atlantis."

The yellow brick road was being countered by another voice.

Another member of the team added that it was bizarre.

Are you serious? This is crazy.

The lake bed found on the summit of the Nootka seamount looks surprisingly dry despite being located under thousands of kilometers of ocean. The team notes on the radio that the ground looks like it could be peeled off.

The volcanic rock has splintered in a way that looks similar to bricks.

A caption to the video says that the 90-degree fractures are likely related to heating and cooling stress from multiple eruptions at this baked margin.

The effect is easily mistaken for a path to a new world. That is not wrong in a way.

We are going on a journey to parts of our planet we have never seen before. We are headed in the right direction and could soon learn a lot more about Earth's hidden geology.

You can read more about the expedition here.