The New York Times reported Friday that former Defense Secretary Mark Esper said that Donald Trump wanted to destroy the drug labs in Mexico.

In his upcoming memoir, "A Sacred Oath", Esper details his time as the last-Senate confirmed defense secretary for the Trump administration.

According to The Times, Esper said that Trump wanted the US military to shoot missiles into Mexico to destroy the drug labs and wipe out the gangs.

According to The Times report, the former president said that they don't have control of their own country.

The former defense secretary said that after Esper objected to the proposal, Trump maintained that they could just shoot some missiles and take out the labs quietly.

The former president was said to have joked if he had not talked to the former president face-to-face.

The agency he once led wanted to block information from the manuscript, so he filed a suit against the Defense Department. The book will be published with "minimal redactions", according to the lawyer who told The Times.

Representatives for Trump did not reply immediately.

The Trump administration had a plan to send a quarter of a million troops to the border, according to an interview with 60 Minutes. The former defense secretary said he first heard of the plan from Stephen Miller.

I think he is joking when he says we need a quarter of a million troops to get theavans to the border.

I turned around to face him and said I didn't have a quarter of a million troops to go to the border.

The plan was confirmed by Gen. Mark Milley, who is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

After a few days, the door opens up, and Mills waving a document in his hands says something like, "Secretary you're not going to believe this."