Bored apes are symbolic of the NFT craze. Artificial scarcity is what makes their value so ugly and expensive.

It would be a shame if someone offered infinite free versions of the collectibles.

The machine learning expert has built an app that will make you happy.

The system is powered by GANs, which create new content by pitting two neural networks against each other, and a discriminator that guesses which ones are fake.

New pictures can be created by the generator over time.

Bored Apes are being funged by AI
Kilcher unveiled his creation on YouTube.

The Bored Ape Yacht Club has a collection of 10,000 images.

He trained the neural network on the dataset.

The finished system produces Bored apes that are unique.

Kilcher admits that the images aren't always perfect.

The quality of my system is not very good, there are often visible artifacts.

He says that Cyril Zakka and Nathan Cooper Jones have similar tools.

Kilcher has created an application that uses images you uploaded to generate apes.

The model that powers the DALL-E 2 image generator is Harnessed by the app. You can try it out for yourself, but you will need a local graphics card.

If you've got a GPU, you can turn your own headshot into a Bored Ape
If you’ve got a GPU, you can turn your own headshot into a Bored Ape.

Any simian-lover who visits Hugging Face or Kilcher's website can use the standard Bored Ape generator.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Jimmy and Paris.