On the heels of Star Wars Day, SFGate reports that the Battle of Endor was filmed in the redwood forest. Bummer, right? Not even scifi classics can escape environmental destruction.

The forest caught the eye of a movie scout back in 1982, so the team reached out to the local. At the time, he didn't know who was asking.

He told SF Gate that the movie was called Blue Harvest.

It's not a good place for fans to visit because a logging company cut down all the redwoods.

New Hope

There are other trees in danger.

While California works towards 100 percent renewable energy grids, the US government lists them as being in decline. According to a study in the journal Nature, 15 billion trees were cut down globally in 2015.

We're robbing ourselves of historically and culturally important sites. Maybe Star Wars fans could use their brand loyalty to find and secure the future of other filming locations.

Scientists claim a new technology can break down plastic in a single week.