If Republicans didn't correct course, Donald Trump appeared to say, they would lose their races.

During an interview with David Brody on the Christian Broadcasting Network's television program, The 700 Club, Trump was asked how he thought the upcoming elections would play out and how much stock he would put in recent wins.

The GOP might view candidates like Dr. Mehmet Oz as risky after Trump endorsed them. Oz has a slight 3-point lead over his competitors.

Georgia gubernatorial candidate David Perdue has struggled to keep up in his races. According to some pollsters, Perdue is 26 points behind Brian Kemp. In the Idaho governor's race, Trump backed McGeachin, who is trailing by around 40 points in the polls.

According to The Washington Post, 42 of the 43 candidates Trump endorsed have won their races.

My endorsements are totally unparalleled. This is the only record that has ever been like this. Trump said he was almost flawless.

Should Republicans be afraid of the ones that are not in line with you and your views?

If they want to win politically, I should endorse them. That is almost 100% of the case.

It is possible that the recent wins are not as much due to Trump as it is to his party affiliations.

Most of the candidates he endorsed who have already won their primaries were incumbents, as noted by The Post's Aaron Blake.

The majority of the endorsements that Trump has made have yet to play out. His status as a Republican kingmaker will be solidified if his candidates win.

I know where the base is. I love the base and the base loves me according to Trump.