New research from Oregon Health and Science University and scientists across the country shows that long-duration space flight alters fluid-filled spaces in the brain.
The study was published in the journal.
The findings have important implications as we continue space exploration, according to the senior author.
Before and after tours of duty on the International Space Station, the brains of 15 astronauts were scanned.
Researchers used magnetic resonance to measure the space around blood vessels in the brains of astronauts before and after their return to Earth. They took the scans again after six months after they returned. The brains of control subjects were compared with those of astronauts.
They found that the brains of first-time astronauts increased in size, but not as much as those who had served on the space station.
Experienced astronauts may have reached some kind of equilibrium.
Despite the differences in the brains of astronauts, scientists found no problems with balance or visual memories.
The study is the first to assess an important aspect of brain health in space.
There are brains in space.
Life evolved over millions of years while being tethered to Earth. The brain's normal flow is altered in space because of the forces of gravity.
We all adapted to use gravity in our favor. What do you think about removing gravity from the equation?
The researchers decided to measure perivascular spaces, where the brain's fluid flows.
The brain is cleansed during sleep through the use of these spaces. The glymphatic system is a brain-wide network that clears the build up of metabolism in the brain. The system seems to work well during deep sleep.
The brain's perivascular spaces measure thehardware of the glymphatic system. Enlargement of these spaces is associated with the development of dementia.
The researchers used a technique developed in the laboratory of Lisa C. Silbert, M.D., M.C.R., professor of neurology in the OHSU School of Medicine.
The study could be useful in helping to diagnose and treat hydrocephalus.
The findings help to understand fundamental changes that happen during space flight, but also for people on Earth who suffer from diseases that affect the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.
More information: Longitudinal MRI‑visible perivascular space (PVS) changes with long‑duration spacefight, Scientific Reports (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-11593-y Journal information: Scientific Reports Citation: New study reveals the effect of extended space flight on astronauts' brains (2022, May 5) retrieved 5 May 2022 from This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.