Murugesu was written by Jason Arunn.
Strength exercises help with your health.
Thomas Barwick is a photographer.
According to the latest thinking, strength exercises are important for health, but only one in 20 people are meeting England's strictest weekly strength training guidelines.
Survey data from over 275,000 adults in this age group was looked at by the University of Essex and their colleagues.
People were asked how much time they spent doing physical activity each week. The team wanted to find out how many adults in England met the UK's weekly health guidelines, which recommend 150 minutes of moderate activity a week.
Sandercock defines strength training as any activity that strengthens muscle or bone and is done to failure. Lifting weights, body weight exercises and fitness plans can be included.
He says strength training is important because in later life stronger muscles can help you climb the stairs, dig the garden and pick up your grandchild.
The researchers found that only 5 per cent of adults in England met the full recommendation for strength training. When the team only looked at how many people engaged in 150 minutes of moderate activity a week, the figure jumped to 67 per cent.
Most of the physical activity that people report in their 150 minutes per week in the UK is actually unimportant. This can be accomplished by a person walking to work.
The researchers found that men were more likely to have a college degree.
There are two main reasons why this could happen. People with more education are more likely to know what the recommended health advice is. It could be that access to a gym that costs money is a requirement for strength training. He says higher levels of education have a correlation to wealth.
Lifting barbells isn't the only way to strengthen muscles. Fight sports, dance classes and circuit training are all forms of strength training.
I am not surprised by the findings, I believe we need to raise awareness about the benefits of strength training.
Strength training is relevant to health and fitness across all age groups and not just for young males.
Ken Nosaka at Edith Cowan University in Australia says that age-related loss of muscle mass and skeletal muscle function are the cause of many chronic diseases.
There is a journal reference in the journal.
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