Many of the people who paid for tax services it advertised were low-income, and that's why they were deceived by the company.
The top of the individual income tax return is shown.
The New York Attorney General's Office launched an investigation that was joined by other authorities after a ProPublica report alleged that TurboTax misled millions of taxpayers.
The agreement states that the company will mail a check of $30 to almost 4 million people who used the company's Free Edition for tax years 2016 through 2018, even though they were eligible for free filing.
James said that the ad campaign that was used to lure customers must be suspended.
The attorney general's investigation found that Intuit used unfair practices to restrict customers from participating in the Internal Revenue Service's Free File Program.
According to the investigation, the IRS Free File page was blocked from search engine results during the tax filing season due to the fact that consumers were looking for free services.
James said in a statement that the agreement would put million of dollars back into the pockets of impacted customers and serve as a reminder to companies large and small.
The company said in a statement that it was pleased to have reached a solution and that it had admitted no wrongdoing as part of the agreement.
14 million. According to an audit from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, how many taxpayers paid for tax prep software that they could have gotten for free.
The company that started as an accounting software company in the 1980s offered two free editions of the product. The company withdrew from the program last year, but customers who earned over $34,000 were still able to file their taxes for free. Several years ago, the company launched its commercial product. According to the New York Attorney General, the program was a big financial success, but it was only free for about one-third of taxpayers. According to the ProPublica investigation, some people were pushed into paying more than $200 for a product. The company continued to deny any wrongdoing despite the internal documents that showed it knew it was deceiving customers. The FTC filed a complaint in a federal district court after the reports sparked a backlash from customers and lawmakers.
The fight to stop Americans from filing their taxes for free has been going on for 20 years.
According to CNN, the company will pay customers 141 million dollars after steering them away from free services.