Post Malone and his girlfriend are having a baby. I am excited for this next chapter in my life, I am the happiest I have ever been, and I have been sad since I could remember. It's time to take care of my body and my family and friends, and spread as much love as possible. Post and his girlfriend celebrated the baby's birth with a party for friends and family in Southern California. The baby will be Post's first and he has a new album coming out next month. Post and his girlfriend have been happy building their relationship privately and will soon become a family, they are not someone who has spent any time in the spotlight. Post has been having a lot of fun lately, performing at a party with Quavo and hitting some L.A. restaurants. Post was very sweet to a fan with a disability, who was celebrating his 21st. Post could not have been nicer to the fan's mom. Thanks for all to come.
Nicole Schumacher