Megan Fox likes to drink her boyfriend Colson's blood every once in a while, a detail that has led to their relationship.

I suppose to drink each other's blood might make people think we are drinking from goblets.

The leaders of real-life vampire groups warned this week that it can be dangerous to partake in someone else's blood, and should only be done under the supervision of professionals.

It's only if you can resist the urge. The practice should be avoided at all costs according to medical professionals.

According to the New Orleans Vampire Association's founder, Belfazaar Ashantison, blood should be tested for blood-borne illnesses.

Blood should only be drawn by a medical official according to the founder of the annual event.

The real vampire communities in New Orleans have largely kept to themselves, knowing enough about public perception to not want to attract attention.

It is not clear whether the pair recommend against garlic and sunlight.

Medical professionals don't like the practice.

If you drink more than a few drops of blood it can cause an iron overdose, which is technically toxic in high doses. According to Live Science, too much iron can cause low blood pressure.

If you don't get into Hepatitis B, C, and HIV, you can theoretically get all of them.

There is absolutely no reason why you would want to be consuming human blood.

It can cause you to vomit, and it can cause you to bleed.

chugging quarts of a stranger's blood is far less advisable than taking a couple of drops from your exclusive partner who has had their blood screened for diseases.

Be careful drinking each other's blood.

Microplastics are being found in human blood.