Scientists are willing to go to any lengths to save the world if there is an increase in water shortages and greenhouse gas emissions. There is one trick in our bioagricultural arsenal. They say to use human pee.

We're not talking about a club with Bear Grylls in it. A group of scientists told a French news service that human urine may be a way to betterfertilize large-scale agricultural produce. Plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to grow and produce fruit, but modern chemical versions of these are bad for the environment.

Human micturate contains all of the above. According to the United States Rich Earth Institute, urine accounts for 80 percent of the nitrogen found in wastewater and more than half of the phosphorus. If urine diversion and collection infrastructure were built out, that would be a rich resource for ag businesses.

Waste Not Want Not

There is at least one precedent on a small scale. Composting toilets can be purchased at appliance stores. Gardeners use homemade urine to increase their nutrition.

Even though pilot programs for wastewater collection are popular in a few global communities, it doesn't mean everyone is on board.

As water shortages increase and H20 becomes an increasingly valuable global resource, Marine Legrand said overcoming our squeamishness against pee diversion systems should get easier.

She told the French wire service that it becomes unacceptable to defecate in water.

Hooray, there is more on climate change. Scientists say that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch has become a thriving environment.