Kid Rock and Bruce Springsteen are going head-to-head in a very unofficial fan poll on the internet, and it is politics as usual. Someone posed a strange question this weekend, asking if the bird app people gave her a piece of their mind. This turned into political mudslinging as soon as it happened. Kid is more associated with right-wing views, so people who lean that way were calling Bruce a left-winger. The original question-poser tried to weed out the associations and connotations that each artist might carry outside of music, and answered her own question based solely on skill. She doesn't think Bruce is all that he's cracked up to be. Most music fans would disagree with her. Bruce runs laps around Kid when it comes to hit singles, sales and overall popularity. Bruce has a total of 26 songs that made it on the Hot 100 list, 12 of which cracked the Top 10. Kid only has 6 songs that made it into the Hot 100 and one that made it into the Top 10. The picture was on the chart for a total of 34 weeks. Bruce has about 150 million record sales, compared to Kid's 27 million. It is not a contest or a matter of opinion. Bruce has beaten the Kid. The discourse around this bizarre juxtaposition seems to have become nothing more than a Democrat vs. Republican chat, with each camp coming to their own defense. We suppose that is the way of the world lately, but again to each of them. Who is better, Kid or Bruce? We are curious about leaving out politics altogether. Sound off!