One slippery substance is dark matter. It has to exist for our current models of the Universe to work. We are not sure what dark matter is, and we can not see, feel, or interact with it.

We have clues like how dark matter can interact with regular matter via gravity. The way these interactions work is still a mystery, but a new paper proposes a solution.

We wondered if gravity was wrong or if we were missing something important about dark matter's nature. The three authors of a press statement explain how dark matter and baryonic matter may not communicate in the way we have always imagined.

We have tried to answer these intriguing questions with our research.

Physicists around the world have been trying to detect dark matter for decades, but have yet to find it.

There are a couple of issues with our models despite how well this type of dark matter works. The cuspy halo problem is where the inferred density of dark matter in the universe doesn't match what's known as N-body simulations.

The simulations suggest that dark matter should be concentrated around the edge or outside of the galaxy. Most dwarf galaxies seem to hold their dark matter in the middle, according to observations.

The team has proposed a new tactic in order to solve the dark matter issues. The researchers suggest that if dark matter is not minimally coupled to gravity, it can solve the cuspy issue.

The team writes in their new paper that they propose another viewpoint to modify the standard cold dark matter framework and make it capable of accurately describing the observed galaxy rotation curves.

It is possible to retain the success of the cold dark matter on large scales while improving its behavior in galactic systems.

It is a bit of a misnomer. The dark matter is coupled to the Einstein tensor in spacetime. It is a new type of interaction between dark matter and gravity. The dark matter interacts with spacetime in a different way if non-minimal is happening.

The authors say that the feature of dark matter is not a piece of new exotic fundamental physics.

One can explain the existence of this non-minimalcoupling with known physics alone.

Although it seems to fit well with the observational data we have so far, dark matter is still a complicated beast. We need more research to find out if non-minimalcoupling is a feature of dark matter or if it is just another hypothesis.

The future of dark matter looks brighter according to the authors.

Further studies will be carried out to explore the implications of this new feature of dark matter. We would be surprised to discover that this non-minimalcoupling could solve other unanswered questions of the Universe.

The research has been published.