Daylight saving time begins on Sunday and you should move your clock forward an hour. This is the time change that takes an hour away from your day, but spring is on its way.

Daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. local time on Sunday, March 13.

Why are we moving forward on Sunday? Daylight saving time lasts for eight months until November 6, when it ends.

The father of Daylight Saving Time, Benjamin Franklin, proposed the idea in 1784 as a way to conserve energy, according to the author of Seize the Daylight: The Curious and Contentious Story of Daylight Saving Time. The idea was that people would spend that extra hour of daylight outside, rather than sitting inside and wasting energy.


According to Live Science, science has not provided absolute evidence to support the idea that daylight saving can translate into energy savings. Scientists examined energy consumption in Turkey before and after the country stopped following Daylight Saving Time in 2016 and found that the springtime clock changes did not equal energy savings. The location of the U.S. in a similar latitude range should apply to the findings.

Franklin's idea spread in the 20th century. According to, the first modern region to implement Daylight Saving Time was in Ontario, Canada. Daylight saving time was adopted in the United States in 1918, after the Germans began following it in May 1916.

American farmers objected to daylight saving time since it eliminated an hour of their morning light. The country dropped the time change until World War II, and only a few states followed it after the war ended.

Daylight saving time was practiced in different states at different times. The Uniform Time Act of 1966 gave rise to a standard start and stop time for daylight saving time.

The day and time of 2 a.m. and Sunday were chosen to have the least impact on individuals. Most people will be home, and very few bars and restaurants should be affected. It would be confusing if the clock change occurred at 11:30 pm, because you would then be moving to the wee hours of the next day. According to the WebExhibits, early-shift workers shouldn't be affected by the time switch.

Daylight saving time is not observed in Hawaii and most of Arizona.

Several states put forth bills every year to get rid of daylight saving time. It is anyone's guess whether these bills will be enforced. Unless you want to be late for breakfast, wake up an hour earlier on Sunday.

The article was first published in 2019. It was originally published on Live Science.