Vergecast: Microsoft to acquire Activision, Google building a headset, and the 5G battle with airlines

The image is from theActivisionBlizzardMerge 2.0

The week in tech news is the subject of The Vergecast, where we discuss it with the reporters and editors.

Microsoft acquired game publisher Activision for $68.7 billion. Nilay Patel, editor-in-chief of the Verge, talks with Ash and Alex about the acquisition, the issues behind the culture at the company, and what the future holds for the gaming industry.

The crew talks about Alex's scoop this week that the project is called Project Iris and that it will be a headset for augmented reality.

Russell Brandom, policy editor of the Verge, joins the show to discuss the ongoing battle between the FAA, AT&T, and airlines over the activation of 5G towers around airports, as well as the tech antitrust bills being drafted in Congress this week.

You can listen to the full discussion on the show here.

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